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About us

The Practice of Allergology, est. in 1991 by Dr. Bogdan Mustakov, MD is the first Allergology practice in our country. He put in it all his great experience as an allergologist and pediatrician and his youthful enthusiasm which he kept till his last hour. Since 2003 the practice is run by Dr. Tihomir Mustakov, MD. It is his way to express his love towards children and medicine. Dear patients, we will be happy to apply our skills in favor of your health. Except the huge clinical expertise and the careful attitude towards our patients, in our practice you can carry out almost all the necessary tests, important for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases.


(Allergology, Pediatrics) Born in Sofia, 1965, married, two children.



Completed with excellence his secondary education in the NNMC – Sofia – biology profile (1982). Graduated in Medicine – Medical Academy – Sofia (1988).

Postgraduate education and training:

Paediatrics – NIP – Sofia. Specialist in Pediatrics since 1998.

Allergology: Clinical Centre of Allergology, UH Alexandrovska, Sofia. Specialist in Allergology since 2000.

Training in Allergology: Clinic of Alergology, AZ Groningen, The Netherlands, (1994-95).

International courses of EAACI: Byalistok, Polland, 1998; Ferrara, Italy, 1999.  GMP courses - last in 2012.

Affiliation: Assisstant Professor  in UH Alexandrovska, Clinical Centre of Allergology, Pediatric Unit. Specialist in Allergology since 2000.

Pediatric practice: RH Samocov – 1990, 3rd Outpatient Clinic – Sofia – 1991.

Registered private practice since 1992.

Scientific work:

More than 30 reports, publications, summaries. Co-authorship in 2 monographs in the field of pathophysiology and treatment of allergic diseases in pediatric population.

Particapation in many national and international congresses and meetings in the field of Allergology.

Foreign languages: English – fluently; Russian, French, Netherlands – reading medical literature.



Bulgarian Medical Union (since 1991)

Bulgarian Scientific Society of Allergology (since 1992)

Bulgarian Association Asthma (since 1992)

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (since 1993)

Bulgarian – Netherlands Alumni Association (since 1997)

European Respiratory Society (since 2001)

The great intensity of work in the practice requires perfect co-ordination and competence of the staff, which, together with the careful and kind attitude to the patients makes the practice popular and valued by the patients in Bulgaria and even abroad.



(Allergology, Pediatrics) 1931-2003.


One of the first allergologists in our country. Dedicated all his efforts and knowledge to the allergic children.

After his graduation in 1960 he worked as pediatrician in the town of Isperih, after that in Pediatric Clinic of University Hospital Alexandrovska – Sofia. From 1968 till his retirement in 1991 he worked as pediatrician and allergologist and researcher in Clinical Centre of Allergology – UH Alexandrovska.

Author of 62 scientific reports and publications, co-author of 2 manuals, 4 monographs and textbooks.

Participant in multitude of national and international allergology congresses and meetings.

Valued teacher and consultant to many students and physicians.

Member of the Bulgarian Allergology Society since 1972, Bulgarian Physicians Society since 1991, Asthma Association since 1991.

After his retirement in1991 he established the Private Practice of Allergology which is the first in Bulgaria private practice in this speciality. The pactice became an effective and popular medical unit and showed how with love and competence one small structure can be useful for a great munber of patients and also to generate satisfaction and a sence of belonging in its personnel.

The spirit of his care and responsibility for the patients remained in the practice after he left this world in 2003. He remained a bright example for a careful and loving husband and father as well as for a great proffesionalist and man.